

With 280 employees and 60 years of experience, VACUUBRAND manufactures the most comprehensive range of vacuum pumps, gauges and controllers for rough and fine vacuum for laboratory use. The product range comprises oil-free diaphragm pumps, oil-free screw pumps, rotary vane pumps, complete pumping units, flexible vacuum systems and solutions for local area networks. The modular vacuum systems comply with the technical and economical requirements for vacuum generation and also ecological criteria in outstanding degree.

From the outset, we had one priority: offering laboratory users equipment that meets the highest quality standards. "Intelligent pumps" make work easier in laboratories, permitting chemists and technicians to concentrate on their real work. We engineer and produce nearly all pump and controller components in our own facility in Wertheim, Germany. 
That enables us to respond quickly to the special needs of our customers, and design and build the quality into our products by mastering the many disciplines that ensure that quality. Relying on state-of-the-art technology and machine tools, we produce diaphragm pumps, screw pumps, and rotary vane pumps, chemistry pumping units, chemistry vacuum systems, vacuum gauges and controllers, valves and components of the innovative VACUU·LAN® local vacuum network.

(주)수림교역 (Korea)

(주)수림교역은 세계 최고 품질의 진공펌프 제조회사인 독일 VACUUBRAND사의 한국 총판으로서 보다 나은 제품과 앞선 기술을 국내에 제공하고 신속한 정보를 알려드리고자 노력하고 있습니다.

VACUUBRAND사는 여러 분야에 광범위하게 응용되는 다양한 진공 관련 장비를 생산하고 있으며 Rotary evaporators, SpeedVac Concentrators, Freeze Drying, Vacuum Dry Oven, Gel Dryers, Filtration 등 화학, 생물, 물리, 식품, 반도체분야 연구에 널리 사용되고 있습니다.

또한 VACUUBRAND사는 60년이란 오랜 기간 동안의 광범위하고 심도 있게 축적된 기술과 경험, 신뢰를 바탕으로 타 경쟁사들과 차별화된 기술적, 경제적, 환경적으로 훌륭한 제품을 생산하고 있으며 특히, 다이아프램펌프와 오일펌프는 성능, 내산성, 내구성 및 정숙도에서 그 성능을 세계 최고로 인정받고 있습니다.

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